
Project 4 for CSCI E-15 SOCIblog

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project 4 for CSCI E-15 SOCIblog

I wanted to create a social blogging platform that used a very clean, simple layout and and easy upload method. Anyone can come to look at all the posts from all the users of SOCI blog. To post or follow a user one must signup. Once signed up a user has their own profile page which lists all their posts and the posts of the users they chose to follow. They are also able to add their own posts, only needing to provide links to images and text information. The users also has a page dedicated to just their posts that all visitors can view. User are directed there from clicking the username on any of that user's post pages. The user has an option in their menu (user menu on hover of username) to view their blog page.

Although I made it so the user has to have the post information (title & description), I made image inclusion not mandatory. I felt that there may be times that they would want all text and no images. Instead I added some JS to show the user what image was loaded with the link they provided.

At first, I had a link to follow a user in the pop-up information on the post preview images. I realized it was cleaner and more uniform to have the follow icon ( [+] ) show up only next to the username of the poster. I also kept the delete function just on the preview images of the posts on the user's profile page. I thought this would help centralize where/when these actions take place.

Thanks for checking out SOCI, hope you enjoy!


  • add posts
  • delete posts
  • follow [+] /unfollow [-]


  • post form processing
  • post form image preview
  • masonry for post preview layout
  • post information show/hide
  • user menu view