
Google computer vision APIs

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Google Vision API

Generate API key here: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis

Vision Logo

Image Sentiment

Detect sentiment from a video. The Vision API can analyze emotional facial attributes of people in your images, like joy, sorrow, and anger. Combine this with object detection and product logo detection, so you can assess how people feel about your logo.


Example: sentiment.py

example screenshot

Object Detection

Detect and classify objects. Easily detect broad sets of objects in your images, from flowers, animals, or transportation to thousands of other object categories commonly found within images. Vision API improves over time as new concepts are introduced and accuracy is improved.



Extract Text

Extract useful information. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) enables you to detect text within your images, along with automatic language identification. Vision API supports a broad set of languages.



Inappropriate Content

Detect inappropriate content. Powered by Google SafeSearch, easily moderate content from your crowd sourced images. Vision API enables you to detect different types of inappropriate content from adult to violent content.


