Polyglot Shopping Cart Demo


  • Make sure you've built the latest Stateful Functions base Docker image + Python SDK wheel file.

  • Build the Inventory module (stored Java functions):

statefun-ffsf-demo $ cd inventory/
inventory $ mvn clean install -DskipTests
  • Build the Shopping Cart module (remote Python function run with AWS Lambda + AWS API Gateway):
statefun-ffsf-demo $ cd shopping-cart/aws-lambda-function/
aws-lambda-function $ STATEFUN_PYTHON_SDK_WHL=/path/to/statefun-python-sdk.whl ./build_package.sh
  • The above builds a zip package under shopping-cart/aws-lambda-function/package that can be uploaded to AWS Lambda.

  • Finally:

statefun-ffsf-demo $ docker-compose build


  • Start the application:
statefun-ffsf-demo $ docker-compose up
  • Start consuming checkout receipts:
statefun-ffsf-demo $ python demo/consume_receipts.py
  • Restock some inventory:
statefun-ffsf-demo $ python demo/restock_inventory.py <inventory_id> <restock_quantity>
# e.g.
statefun-ffsf-demo $ python demo/restock_inventory.py dope_pants 10
  • Add some items to user cart:
statefun-ffsf-demo $ python demo/user_cart_events.py <user_id> add <inventory_id> <add_quantity>
# e.g.
statefun-ffsf-demo $ python demo/user_cart_events.py gordon add dope_pants 2
  • Checkout user cart:
statefun-ffsf-demo $ python demo/user_cart_events.py <user_id> checkout
# e.g.
statefun-ffsf-demo $ python demo/user_cart_events.py gordon checkout
  • On checkout, you'll see the corresponding receipt event:
user_id: "gordon"
user_cart {
  items {
    key: "dope_pants"
    value: 2