
Authentication with Devise gem

Primary LanguageRuby

Building with Active Record


This project is part of microverse technical curriculum ruby on rails projects. In this project I created a secret messages posting platform. To keep the message author private, only members with accounts and logged in can see the author.


  1. Copy either one of the two cloning options in the repo

  2. Open a terminal in the directory you want to house this project.

  3. run git clone (paste the copied text)

  4. run bundle install to set up the projects environment on your local machine.

  5. To view the project in a browser run rails server in the terminal and visit http:localhost:3000 in your browser.

About the project

  • Built using [Ruby v 2.7.1][rbl]

  • All contributors used [VS Code][vsc] as IDE

  • Git and Github were used for version control

  • Ruby Devise gem was installed and used for User creation.

  • This was build as part of [microverse][mvs]'s technical curriculum.

  • Based on The Odin Project

The authors