A telegram bot working as a personal resume
Tenny_resume_bot is a telegram bot which can be interacted with to get details about me. If needed you can ask the bot to send a document containing my resume as an image.
- Installation.
- Running.
- Using within telegram.
- About the project.
- Contact.
Click the repository's clone or download button and copy the https link.
Open a terminal on your machine.
Within the terminal, navigate to the directory or make one for the bot files.
In windows by using:
cd directory
To go to a directory If you don't know the name of a directory, use:
To see the available directories and files within the one you're currently at.
In an unix terminal using:
cd directory
To go to a directory If you don't know the name of a directory, use:
To see the available directories and files within the one you're currently at.
Do git clone (Shift+Ctrl+v) to download the files into the current directory.
Change into the new directory created by the git clone command.
Install the required gems with bundler. For both operating systems do:
Open a terminal.
Within the terminal, navigate to the bot's bin directory
cd directory
To go to a directory If you don't know the name of a directory, use:
To see the available directories and files within the one you're currently at.
cd directory
To go to a directory If you don't know the name of a directory, use:
To see the available directories and files within the one you're currently at.
- Run the bot
ruby microbot.rb
ruby microbot.rb
Please note that if you close the terminal or shut down the system, the bot will stop working.
Install telegram on your phone or desktop(Telegram has a full working desktop version which does not require a mobile phone installation.)
Create a personal account.
Once signed in, go to the telegram's searchbar and search for @tennymicro_bot.
Select the result "micro" shown in the image above.
The bot has only eight commands which are:
- /start
- /aboutme
- /skills
- /education
- /experience
- /projects
- /contact
- /resume
- To interact with the bot type in a command preceded by a /.This starts the bot, which will greet the user by it's name and provide the available commands.
- Built using Ruby v 2.7.0
- The editor used was VS Code
- Git and Github were used for version control
- Built using the telegram-bot-ruby gem.
- This was build as part of microverse's technical curriculum.
- Testing was done using RSpec
- https://www.sitepoint.com/quickly-create-a-telegram-bot-in-ruby/
- Telegram
- Odin project for ruby course and testing with rspec
For more information or help with this project please contact Tennyson Takudzwa Zvaita - tzvaita@gmail.com