
My configuration files

Primary LanguageLua


This uses a git bare repo. To start:

  1. alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
  2. echo ".dotfiles" >> .gitignore
  3. git clone --bare <ssh-or-https-url-to-clone> $HOME/.dotfiles
  4. dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
  5. dotfiles reset HEAD
  6. dotfiles restore .

Step explanations:

  1. This sets up an alias for the bare repo
  2. We want to put this into our gitignore or else we could self reference
  3. Ignore untracked files
  4. Self explanatory clone the repo, but make sure it is bare
  5. Restores the actual content from .dotfiles to our home directory. Be sure to address conflicts

There is a history of old dotfiles on commit 0f8cf1f4bae3f4baf5d9a7938e3043514d672f47 where I used stow.