
A modified Yael implementation for Python 3.x based on the original library.

Primary LanguageC


This is a modified Yael implementation for Python 3.x from the original. Just for academic exchange only.


Yael is a library implementing computationally intensive functions used in large scale image retrieval, such as neighbor search, clustering and inverted files. The library offers interfaces for C, Python and Matlab. Here, we only focus on C and Python interfaces.

  • Py2_yael_v438: original version 4.38 which supports python 2.x
  • py3_yael_v438: modified version 4.38 which support python 3.x
  • py3yael: an example compilation based on py3_yael_v438


Major Changes

To make the yael library work for python 3.x, some changes should be made:

  • In common.swg:

    • Change PyString_FromStringAndSize (python 2.x) to PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize (python 3.x);

    • For PyFile_Check() (undefined), replace it by#define PyFile_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyType_Type); for PyFileObject (undefined), use py3c function py3c_PyFile_AsFileWithMode as a replacement. Specifically, creat a helper.h in yael_v438/yael folder, with

      //! helper.h
      #ifndef HELPER_H_INCLUDED
      #define HELPER_H_INCLUDED
      #ifdef __cplusplus
      extern "C" {
      #include <Python.h>
      #include "py3c.h"
      #include "py3c/fileshim.h"
      #define PyFile_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyType_Type)
      #define PyFile_AsFile(in) py3c_PyFile_AsFileWithMode(in, "r")
      #ifdef __cplusplus

      Here, PyType_Type is defined in object.h in python 3.x, defined as PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyType_Type.

      Download py3c, copy its source files (in py3c/include folder), i.e. py3c.h and py3c folder, to yael_v438/yael folder. In fileshim.h, change #include <py3c/compat.h> to #include "compat.h".

      Then in common.swg, before PyFile_check() (line 24), add

        #include "helper.h"
      %include "helper.h"

      Change $1=((PyFileObject*)$input)->f_fp; (line 36) to $1=PyFile_AsFile($input);

  • In ynumpy.py, use from . import yael, and,

    # revise
    def _numpy_to_gmm((w, mu, sigma)):
    # to
    def _numpy_to_gmm(gmm_npy):
        (w, mu, sigma) = gmm_npy
  • Modify the .py files in test, test/py, progs, yael folders to python3.x format.

    • print();
    • In test_ynumpy.py and threads.py, modify except Exception, e to except Exception as e.
    • In test_kmeans.py and test_nn.py, change xrange to range.
    • In threads.py, change def f(self,(i,x)) to def f(self, v):(i,x)=v.
    • In threads.py, the import module "thread" is renamed to "_thread" in python3, so change to _thread and modify the corresponding calling functions.
    • In learn_gmm.py, modify args = sys.argv[:1] to args = sys.argv[1:].
  • In gmm.c, in line 513 (iteration end condition), chang if (key == old_key) to if ((long int)(key*1e4) == (long int)(old_key*1e4)), to make it convergence quickly.


Dependencies Installation

The Yael library requires gfortran, blas, lapack, swig, and python.

1. Blas and Lapack

$ sudo apt-get install gfortran
$ sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev # may have been installed

2. Swig

Swig is required to create the python interface.

$ sudo apt-get install swig

This method just install the swig-3.0.12, not the latest. May be not suitable for python3.x interfaces.

Thus for python3.x interfaces, you may should install the newest version. Here is swig-4.0.2, and install from source code. Swig requires g++ and pcre. G++ is often installed with Ubuntu system, if not, install bysudo apt-get install g++. For pcre, use pcre-8.44 (released in 2020).

$ cd pcre
$ wget ftp://ftp.pcre.org/pub/pcre/pcre-8.44.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf pcre-8.44.tar.gz
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ pcre-config —version # check if successful

Download Swig-4.0.2 from main page, and install it base on official installation guide.

$ cd swig
$ wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/swig/swig-4.0.2.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf swig-4.0.2.tar.gz
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Then open .bashrc and add the path PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/swig/4.0.2. Then activate its path,

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ swig -version  # check if successful

3. Python-dev

This package contains the include files of the Python-C API. If only python is installed, not python-dev, you will get an error saying that the file Python.h can not be found.

$ sudo apt install python-dev  # for python2.x
$ sudo apt install python3-dev  # for python3.x


First introduce the installation for C and python 2.x interfaces, and then for python 3.x.

1. C interface

In yael_v438 directory,

$ cd yael_v438
$ sudo ./configure.sh  
$ # if CPU support sse4, use sudo ./configure.sh --msse4

It will generate makefile.inc, open it by vim/gedit makefile.inc and modify the python version to your installed python version, i.e.,

PYTHONCFLAGS = -I/usr/include/python2.7

Save and then

$ sudo make

Test. Then test the C test code. Go to test/prog folders, run codes to test the C interfaces, e.g.,

$ gcc ./test/c/test_kmeans.c -I/home/***/***/yael/yael_v438 -L/home/***/***/yael/yael_v438/yael -lyael -o test_kmeans

It will generate executable file test_kmeans, then put it together with libyael.so, and run ./test_kmeans.

2. Python 2.x interface

For Python 2.x, compile as

$ sudo ./configure.sh --enable-numpy
$ sudo make

Before sudo make, modify the makefile.inc with corrent python path,

PYTHONCFLAGS = -I/usr/include/python2.7
NUMPYCFLAGS = -I/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/include

For test, please see section 3.

3. Python 3.x interface

Originally, Yael only support python 2.x. Thus, for Python 3.x,

before sudo make, first modify the common.swg, yael.swg file clarified in section "Major Changes", and modify makefile.inc with correct python path and version, including

PYTHONCFLAGS = -I/usr/include/python3.6m
SWIG=swig -python -py3
NUMPYCFLAGS = -I/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include

Then sudo make to compile the python 3.x interface. It will generate yael.py and _yael.so files.

Pack Yael Pylib

Create a yael folder under system python packages, e.g. /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yael. Put all the python .py files in the yael_v438/yael folder and the compiled _yael.so (for python call) together and copy to **/dist-packages/yael folders, thus you can use from yael import yael to call yael module. Basically, yael provide modules: yael, ynumpy, threads, yutils. Use them like from yael import yael, ynumpy.


  • For python 2.x, e.g. python test_numpy.py.
  • For python 3.x, e.g. python3 test_numpy.py.
  1. In python 2.x test, run test_numpy.py with error numpy interface not compiled in, and run test_ynumpy.py with error AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute ‘numpy_to_fvec_ref’.

    Solution: first make clean and then run compilation: sudo ./configure.sh --enable-numpy ..., more details can be seen in Forums.



[1] Py3c: https://github.com/encukou/py3c