
A cross-platform package manager for projects that rock.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A cross-platform package manager for projects that rock.

Glam offers a flexible way to bring binaries into scope globally or for just one shell.

Work in progress, not ready for production, breaking changes will happen.

Package PRs welcome.


Glam uses the Clojure CLI.

Install glam by using this alias in deps.edn:

:glam {:extra-deps
       {borkdude/glam {:git/url "https://github.com/borkdude/glam"
                       :sha "92e1a8ec285bb983ad1c2fba28837606c5c99ab6"}
        ;; your-org/your-packages {,,,}
       ;; :extra-paths ["your-packages"]
       :main-opts ["-m" "glam.main"]}

Use any later SHA at your convenience or simply clone this project and use :local/root.

Additionally, install a shell helper script by running this and following the instructions:

$ clojure -M:glam setup
Include this in your .bashrc analog to finish setup:

source $HOME/.glam/scripts/glam.sh

Scripts for Windows will follow. Meanwhile you can replace glam invocations by clojure -M:glam and append the printed path to %PATH% yourself.


Package files like <package-org>/<package-name>.glam.edn are discovered via the classpath. This means that in addition to glam's own packages you can add your own.

E.g. in the glam repo's packages directory, there is a org.babashka/babashka.glam.edn.

To install packages for the current shell:

$ glam install clj-kondo/clj-kondo org.babashka/babashka

Now clj-kondo and bb are available:

$ which bb
$ which clj-kondo
$ bb '(+ 1 2 3)'

Use --verbose for more output, --force for re-downloading packages.


To install packages globally, use --global or -g.

$ glam install clj-kondo/clj-kondo -g --verbose
Wrote /Users/borkdude/.glam/path


Glam can also run with babashka for fast startup. Currently you will need the latest 0.2.2-SNAPSHOT version. First install it using glam:

$ glam org.babashka/babashka@0.2.2-SNAPSHOT -g

Glam automatically detects if you have a compatible bb installed, so next glam invocations are invoked using bb:

$ time (glam)
( glam; )   0.03s  user 0.03s system 93% cpu 0.065 total


To bundle the package manager and packages into one asset e.g. for moving to another machine, use babashka's --uberjar option:

$ bb -cp $(clojure -Spath -A:glam) -m glam.main --uberjar glam.jar

This uberjar contains all packages from the classpath and the package manager itself. You can then run it from anywhere on your system:

$ mv glam.jar /tmp
$ cd /tmp
$ bb -jar glam.jar install clj-kondo/clj-kondo -g --verbose
Wrote /Users/borkdude/.glam/path


Copyright © 2020 Michiel Borkent

Distributed under the EPL License. See LICENSE.