
The simple User register form created by React. React 创建的简单用户注册表单。

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple React Test

This project is just for simple react test to evaluate candidates skills and performance.

Technical specifications

  • Project is generated by the create-react-app script with default configuration.
  • Project can be run in the latest node.js environment.


$ # Install the packages
$ npm install
$ # Run the development server
$ npm start
$ # Check the `http://localhost:3000` 
$ # Build the production build
$ npm run build

Original requirements

Our hope is that we will find the perfect React coder for our full project from this paid test! You will make $50 for this test as we are hiring multiple people to do the test. Pay will be increased for the person who we hire for the full project.

We estimate that the full project will need about 20-25 hours a week for 4-6 weeks with an option of additional work after the first full project is completed. THIS initial project is just a test and we expect it should take 2-4 hours to complete..

Full details for the Test Project:


Create a react project using the create-react-app utility script. After that create the following components:

  • Card component that will be used as a wrapper. The card will be rectangular with rounded corners and can accept as a prop the background color.
  • Button component that accepts as props the text of button, paddings inside the button the background color, the text color and any other prop you think should be useful.
  • Create a heading component which renders the primary header of the application and a SubHeading component for the secondary header.
  • Create a custom Input component. The Input component will also render the label. The input will accept as props the label, placeholder, id and any other prop you think is necessary. Style the Input component as you like.
  • Render a form inside the Card component. The form will hav e a heading and a subheading (using the components created) and the following fields: name, surname, email, age, favorite color and two radio buttons with male, and female, as options. It should also have a checkbox with the label in case you would like to receive notifications.
  • The input component should be used to render each field on the form.
  • As a validation, for the name, surname and favorite color, the value must be a string without any numbers or special characters. The email should contain the @ symbol and the age must be a number greater than zero.
  • For the previous input components, every time one of them loses focus the validation must run. If there is an error, then the outline of the input should become red and a message under the input should appear informing the user about the error.
  • The form should have two buttons. A cancel button with red background color and white text color and a submit button with green background and light yellow text color. The submit button will be disabled until every input of the form is filled.
  • If the cancel button is clicked, then every input of the form is cleared. If the submit button is clicked then display a new Card component with different background color underneath the form card component.The new card must display the submitted data and the original form inputs should be cleared.


Submit your project by creating a public repository on GitHub. Please DELETE the ‘master’ or ‘main’ branch and push your code to a branch called ‘sample’. (this is to prevent google from indexing your project). Submit your repository’s link via Upwork or email.

Technical requirements and stack:

  • Please use the latest stable version of node js
  • You may not install any additional UI/UX libraries or frameworks

How you will be evaluated:

  • Demonstrate your genuine interest in the position by committing 2-4 hours to a screening project
  • Prove your knowledge of industry best practices without being explicitly directed as to what they are. That said, do not use any libraries or packages not listed in the Technical requirements
  • We value your time and do not want to encourage a culture of self-sacrifice for a project that will never be used in production. Do yourself a favor and submit the project as soon as you've met the requirements and implemented best practices across the project.

Additional Information:

If you are relatively competent in React, there is no reason this app should take you much longer than 2-4 hours. That is not a time restriction. It’s only an estimated time to completion.

_The instructions above should be clear enough for you to complete the task without any additional informatio