
Docker image for n.wtf which supports Brotli, TLS 1.3, GeoIP2, etc.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Image for N.WTF

n.wtf (formerly known as nginx.io or sb-nginx) is a Debian package provided by SB Blog that delivers an enhanced NGINX build offering the following features:

  • Support for TLS 1.3 and HTTP/3 (QUIC)
  • Brotli compression capability
  • Integration with GeoIP2

This repository hosts the source of Docker image for N.WTF.

Basic Usage

Place your configuration files (such as nginx.conf) in a directory, for instance: ~/nginx-config.

Your configuration files will replace the default configuration files.

For comprehensive customization, it is recommended to use a complete nginx.conf. The repository h5bp/server-configs-nginx is an excellent starting point for reference configurations.

Map your configuration directory to the container using a Docker volume. You can modify the configuration path inside the container by setting an environment variable: -e NWTF_CONFIG_DIR=/usr/src/docker-nginx/conf.

To run the container, execute:

docker run --name nginx --net host --restart always -v $HOME/nginx-config:/usr/src/docker-nginx/conf:ro -d ghcr.io/u-sb/nginx

Environment Variable Substitution

We have integrated the entrypoint scripts from the official Docker image. These allow NGINX configuration files ending with .conf to reference any environment variables. For example, to utilize local DNS resolvers obtained from /etc/resolv.conf, use:

resolver ${NGINX_LOCAL_RESOLVERS} valid=30s;

Docker Compose Usage

Clone the repository and start the service using Docker Compose by running:

git clone https://github.com/u-sb/nginx-docker
cd nginx-docker
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Configuration Reloading

If you modify your configuration after the container starts, you can apply changes without downtime.

Execute the following command after making changes:

docker exec nginx nwtf-reload

The nwtf-reload script will test your new configuration and attempt to reload the server. It will revert the changes if the test fails.

Usage of ensite and dissite

By default, the CMD is processed by a script called ensite, which links configuration files from sites-available/ to sites-enabled/.


To run an arbitrary command instead of starting NGINX, specify the desired command (e.g., /bin/sh) with a -- prefix, such as -- /bin/sh.

After adding a new site configuration, such as sites-available/contoso.example.conf, enable it by executing ensite contoso.example.conf. You can disable it later using dissite contoso.example.conf or ensite --off contoso.example.conf.

Remember to execute nwtf-reload afterward to reload NGINX.

You can define sites in the Docker Compose file like so:

    - "/home/debian/nginx-config:/usr/src/docker-nginx/conf:ro"
    - default.conf
    - options/websocket.conf
    - contoso.example.conf

License and Trademark

This software is distributed under the MIT license.

NGINX is an open-source HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a general-purpose TCP/UDP proxy server, available under a 2-clause BSD-like license.

NGINX is a trademark of F5 NETWORKS, INC.

Please note that we are not affiliated with NGINX Inc. or F5 NETWORKS, INC.