
APKDecompiler is a Python library that compiles [APK/DEX] file using JADX .

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APKDecompiler is a Python library that compiles [APK/DEX] file using JADX .

Install :-

pip install git+https://github.com/1337r00t/apkdecompiler#egg=apkdecompiler


Only JAVA! and needs folder in \Lib\site-packages\apkdecompiler or just edit [Should be JADX in %PATH%] :-

os.system('jadx -d '+str(folder)+' '+str(self.apkfile))


import apkdecompiler
Test = apkdecompiler.APKDecompile('test.apk').inFolder('C:/Users/1337r00t/null/apks/')


import apkdecompiler
Test = apkdecompiler.APKDecompile('test.dex').inFolder('C:/Users/1337r00t/null/apks/')

&> /dev/null if you want to hide output .

who am i ?

1337r00t @ Blackfox's Team . real n00b from Saudi Arabia