
🐳 Pandoc docker image for converting markdown to PDF using TeX typesetting

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

mdtopdf 🐳

mdtopdf is the pandoc docker image for converting markdown to PDF using TeX typesetting.


You can see example markdown file and converted PDF file from the link below👇

example markdown

example converted PDF

Top Image

Getting Started

  1. Pull docker image.
$ docker pull plass/mdtopdf

⚠️ This docker image size is 1.68GB. I recommend pulling it using the fast Internet connection.

  1. Generate PDF file.
$ docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/workdir plass/mdtopdf mdtopdf INPUT.md

Windows (PowerShell) : Replace `pwd` to ${pwd}

Advanced Usages

Generate PDF file on save

$ docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/workdir  plass/mdtopdf w-mdtopdf INPUT.md

Set alias

You can decrease typing using alias command as below,

$ echo "alias mdtopdf='docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/workdir plass/mdtopdf mdtopdf'" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo "alias w-mdtopdf='docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/workdir  plass/mdtopdf  w-mdtopdf'" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile
$ mdtopdf INPUT.md
$ w-mdtopdf INPUT.md

zsh : Modify .zshrc instead of .bash_profile.
Ubuntu : Modify .bashrc instead of .bash_profile.

If you're using Docker for Windows, setting alias is a bit tricky. Use following command.

> echo 'Function mdtopdf {Param($file) docker run -it --rm -v ${pwd}:/workdir plass/mdtopdf mdtopdf $(Get-ChildItem $file -Name)}' >> $PROFILE
> echo 'Function mdtopdf {Param($file) docker run -it --rm -v ${pwd}:/workdir plass/mdtopdf w-mdtopdf $(Get-ChildItem $file -Name)}' >> $PROFILE
> mdtopdf INPUT.md
> w-mdtopdf INPUT.md

Generate tex file from markdown

$ docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/workdir  plass/mdtopdf mdtotex INPUT.md

Generate html file from markdown

$ docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/workdir  plass/mdtopdf mdtohtml INPUT.md

example converted HTML

Generate docx file from markdown

$ docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/workdir  plass/mdtopdf mdtodocx INPUT.md

example converted docx