
No sites load with extension enabled. Disabling extension fixes issue. Unable to use extension.

sixside opened this issue · 1 comments


  • I verified that this is not a filter list issue. Report any issues with filter lists or broken website functionality in the uAssets issue tracker.
  • This is NOT a YouTube, Facebook or Twitch report. These sites MUST be reported by clicking their respective links.
  • This is not a support issue or a question. For support, questions, or help, visit /r/uBlockOrigin.
  • I performed a cursory search of the issue tracker to avoid opening a duplicate issue.
  • The issue is not present after disabling uBO in the browser.
  • I checked the documentation to understand that the issue I am reporting is not normal behavior.

I tried to reproduce the issue when...

  • uBO is the only extension.
  • uBO uses default lists and settings.
  • using a new, unmodified browser profile.


Latest version of Chrome (Version 124.0.6367.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)) on Windows. Having the extension enabled causes any webpage to hang on request. No site loads at all. As soon as I toggle off (i.e. disable) the extension the site loads.

A specific URL where the issue occurs.

I've tried many URLs, all have the same exact behavior. yahoo.com google.com ibm.com

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Disable all extensions.
  2. Load a website (yahoo.com), it works.
  3. Enable ublock extension.
  4. Load a website (any site), browser hangs, spinning loading nothing renders.
  5. Disable ublock extensions, the site from step 4 then loads fine.

Expected behavior

All sites should load and block ads.

Actual behavior

Sites never load. It's almost as if there is no server response at all.

uBO version


Browser name and version

Chrome 124.0.6367.119 (Official Build) (64-bit))

Operating System and version

Windows 10Pro

Duplicate of #3217