Automation project with Java (Language) + Gradle (Dependency) on Browser Stack (Device Farm) and Github Action (CI) doing remote mobile test, GithubPages to deploy Allure Serve to see test result, PageObject/Screen and PageFactory as a structure.
- Java JDK 8 or 11
- Android SDK updated
- Android Emulator
- Appium Server
- Browser Stack Account and Keys
./gradlew test --tests "Tests"
You can run with different devices like iOS and Android using properties when running this command line:
./gradlew test --tests "Tests" -DMOBILE=ANDROID
./gradlew test --tests "Tests" -DMOBILE=iOS
For use local user name by json or remote you can use Exec true or false:
true = execution using environment variable from secret key
./gradlew test --tests "Tests" -DMOBILE=ANDROID -DEXEC=true
false = execution using json name and key from browser stack
./gradlew test --tests "Tests" -DMOBILE=ANDROID -DEXEC=false
Github Pages with Allure report results: ALLURE