1 .Add these two lines to your core\shared.lua:
["bowlingball"] = { ["name"] = "bowlingball", ["label"] = "Bowling Ball", ["weight"] = 150, ["type"] = "item", ["expire"] = 999, ["image"] = "bowlingball.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Magic" }, ["bowlingreceipt"] = { ["name"] = "bowlingreceipt", ["label"] = "Bowling Recepit", ["weight"] = 150, ["type"] = "item", ["expire"] = 999, ["image"] = "bowlingreceipt.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Magic" },
2 . Drag the icons from the folder "Icons" to your inventory icons folder!
3 . This is a really iportnat step : bt-target/client.lua/line: 137
You will find this
Replace it with this
if data.parms then
TriggerEvent(data.event, data.parms)
Next go to bt-target/script.js/line: 27 you should be seeing smth like this
$("#target-"+index).data('TargetData', item.event);
Right under it add this line
$("#target-"+index).data('ParmsData', item.parms);
Next in the same file look for this
$(document).on('mousedown', (event) => {
let element = event.target;
if (element.id.split("-")[0] === 'target') {
let TargetData = $("#"+element.id).data('TargetData');
$.post('http://bt-target/selectTarget', JSON.stringify({
event: TargetData,
And replace with this
$(document).on('mousedown', (event) => {
let element = event.target;
if (element.id.split("-")[0] === 'target') {
let TargetData = $("#"+element.id).data('TargetData');
let ParmsData = $("#" + element.id).data('ParmsData');
$.post('http://bt-target/selectTarget', JSON.stringify({
event: TargetData,
parms: ParmsData,
- 4 . Make sure the script is started after dependenicies
No known bugs
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</BroPixel > Development Team