The portlet is a JSR-168 Spring PortletMVC portlet. It uses hibernate for its data store.
User feedback submission features:
- Simple user UI for comment submission
- Users may make their feedback anonymous, but the default is to collect user information
- Automatically collect information about the user and his or her browser
Administrative feedback features:
- Admin interface for viewing feedback with recent comments and overall stats summaries
- Easily filter feedback by type or user role
- Shortcuts for sending email to non-anonymous users
- Excel data export
- Optional listener to forward feedback submissions on to an email address
Possible future features:
- forward a comment to a ticketing system
- provide a flag to indicate if an admin has responded to the ticket
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Open the cloned folder
cd FeedbackPortlet
# Install maven dependencies and build
mvn install
# Navigate to uPortal folder
cd ../path/to/uportal
# Deploy Feedback Portlet to uPortal
ant deployPortletApp -DportletApp /path/to/../FeedbackPortlet/target/FeedbackPortlet.war