Enterprise open source portal built by and for the higher education community.
- 2
OIDC documentation
#2587 opened by jgribonvald - 3
- 5
Refresh Tab Group colors
#2256 opened by cbeach47 - 0
- 1
Make GA Optional
#2854 opened by bjagg - 0
Migrate to AWS SDK S3 version 2
#2842 opened by ChristianMurphy - 0
Some user favorites disappear after a favorited portlet gets deleted and the user updates their favorites
#2800 opened by groybal - 2
Refactor Potential Implementation and Design Smells
#2733 opened by snehit221 - 0
uPortal is not recognizing an admin user in some flows
#2684 opened by cbeach47 - 1
Personalization resolves tokens when editing a portlet in the UX (but shouldn't)
#2479 opened by cbeach47 - 0
RSS Feed failure requires server restart to recover
#2655 opened by mgillian - 0
Health Checker DB class fails on JNDI datasources
#2640 opened by bjagg - 1
Excessive SQL call to UP_USER_LOCALE
#1879 opened by bjagg - 1
- 0
Search auto-complete does not support keywords
#2505 opened by bjagg - 1
Portlet preference is not personalized
#2477 opened by cbeach47 - 1
Some personalization tokens not being caught
#2283 opened by cbeach47 - 0
Personalization Filter NPE with cookiecheck
#2443 opened by cbeach47 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 4
Enhance /uPortal/health-check
#2380 opened by bjagg - 0
uPortal Health checker API 401 error
#2020 opened by bjagg - 4
Statistics portlet fails to create visualization
#2252 opened by cbeach47 - 0
Duplicate favorites behavior on dataImport
#2275 opened by cbeach47 - 0
Expose uPortal CSS variable
#2351 opened by jgribonvald - 0
Updating portlet from UI remove categories
#2332 opened by jgribonvald - 0
Dynamic Portlet Title does not work
#2285 opened by bjagg - 3
Uportal Create New User not working
#2258 opened by noFAYZ - 0
Add portlet to layout fails at times
#2255 opened by cbeach47 - 1
Clean up import/export portlet page
#1878 opened by cbeach47 - 5
- 1
Tab Groups broken in Respondr
#2249 opened by bjagg - 0
Search icon button labeled incorrectly
#2019 opened by bjagg - 0
Long searches break event aggregation
#2160 opened by allanjackson - 0
SELECT not using bind variables
#2189 opened by bjagg - 2
Missing primary keys from a few tables
#2162 opened by bjagg - 1
UP_PERMISSION does not have a primary key
#2163 opened by bjagg - 1
Refactor search to support previous functionality
#2006 opened by bjagg - 0
Update Lucene to index on phrases
#2043 opened by bjagg - 0
uPortal-shell import on PAGS cause uPortal error
#2023 opened by jgribonvald - 1
support jdk 11
#1932 opened by cmdares - 7
:overlays:uPortal:dataInit FAILED
#1955 opened by manojposwal - 0
Portlets without chrome don't have the appropriate feedback for users using screen readers
#1953 opened by jonathanmtran - 0
Add option to include portlet preferences in API endpoints
#1921 opened by bjagg - 0
Support mixed case user logins
#1914 opened by bjagg - 0
Improve some high utilization queries
#1903 opened by bjagg - 0
New table UP_PORTLET_LIFECYCLE needs to be more performant
#1902 opened by bjagg - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#1882 opened by renovate - 0
Back button after logout shows inconsistent UX
#1881 opened by cbeach47