The annual conference on the use of R in official statistics will take place on the premises of Statistics Netherlands September 12-14. We are excited to announce an unconference use of R in official statistics on the two days just before the uRos conference.
The idea behind the event (similar to for R in general) to bring together useRs from the area of official statistics to work for two days on concrete projects where enhancements would benefit many institutes, organisation,... .
Similar to the idea of the awesome official statistics software list, this should complement an abstract top-down approach such as the common statistical production architecture with fast bottom-up solutions.
The results of unconfUROS will be presented during the ensuing uRos2018 conference.
- A shiny app for data validation and rule management
- A categorical variable that satisfies needs of NSI's
- A shiny app that visualizes an interactive price kaleidoscope
- A wrapper for the Dutch (reverse) geocoding service Locatieserver hosted by PDOK
- Machine learning techniques for imputation (boosting, deep learning, ....)
- Sampling package that covers the need of NSIs
- A shiny app for statistical disclosure control of tabular data (using sdcTable)
As of 13 August 2018, the unconf hackathon is at its maximum capacity, so no new applications are accepted.
Statistics Netherlands
Henri Faasdreef 312, 2492 JP The Hague
The Netherlands
Find on google maps
email: uRos208 at CBS dot nl