This repository is the Cocoapods repository for kmastodon. kmastodon is a Mastodon client library created using Kotlin Multiplatform. Therefore, it can be built and used on Apple devices such as iOS. Here, we distribute the built XCFramework via Cocoapods. Additionally, this repository is automatically committed by GitHub Actions for kmastodon. Please submit issues or pull requests to kmastodon.
Please add the following lines to your Podfile. There are no versions in this repository, and there are branches that match the versions of kmastodon. You can determine which version of kmastodon to use by specifying the branch of this repository. Please check the branch list to find the branch corresponding to the version. Additionally, different versions are used for Debug and Release builds.
target '{{PROJECT_NAME}}' do
# Pods for kmastodon
pod 'kmastodon-debug',
:configuration => ['Debug'],
:git => '',
:branch => '{{BRANCH_NAME}}'
pod 'kmastodon-release',
:configuration => ['Release'],
:git => '',
:branch => '{{BRANCH_NAME}}'
It is also possible to use in Objective-C, but the following is the usage in Swift. Please also check the README of kmastodon for detailed usage.
MIT License