
A text format for Drupal 7 which uses Entity Embed for handling inline images

Primary LanguagePHP

Entity Embed for Drupal 7

A text format for Drupal 7 which uses Entity Embed for handling inline images

Getting started


  • Features features-7.x-2.10
  • Entity Embed entity_embed-7.x-3.x-dev
  • Editor editor-7.x-1.0-alpha7
  • Entity entity-7.x-1.8
  • Entity Reference entityreference-7.x-1.2 (entityreference 7.x-1.5 has to be patched in order to work with entity_embed, see https://www.drupal.org/node/2903245)
  • File Entity file_entity-7.x-2.0-beta3


Entity Embed needs to be patched for data-align to work. See https://www.drupal.org/node/2831939#comment-12122646.

Filter order

  • Align images
  • View mode classes
  • Entity link
  • Convert image captions to figures and figcaption elements
  • Render embedded entities
  • Limit allowed HTML tags

Using the included makefile

Move example.make to the root of an existing Drupal 7 site and run drush make --no-core example.make