
A python EDIFACT library.

Primary LanguagePython


A Python library to parse and serialize UN/EDIFACT messages.


This is a port of metroplex-systems/edifact to Python. Thanks here at the start to Craig Duncan for this cool piece of software. Porting was like a breeze due to the high code quality there. All credits for the initial code here go to him, I just did the translation to Python(3), some "pythonifications" of the code and little improvements.

Why another EDIFACT library?

Because I did not find a decent UN/EDIFACT library for Python, so I decided to port one of the available good PHP libraries to Python. Here is the result.

ATM this is a Work In Progress, the API is not stable yet. Feel free to help.


To read a message from a file or from a string, take the Message class and iter over the segments:

from pydifact.Message import Message
message = Message.from_file("./tests/data/order.edi");
message = Message.from_str("UNA:+,? 'UNH+1+ORDERS:D:96A:UN:EAN008'")

for segment in message.segments:
    print('Segment tag: {}, content: {}'.format(
        segment.tag, segment.elements))

Or you can create an EDI message:

from pydifact.Segments import Segment
message = Message()
message.add_segment(Segment('QTY', ['12', '3']))


pydifact uses unittests for testing. You can use nose to automate the tests. Just install the requirements with pip install -r requirements_dev.txt and exec nosetests within the project folder.


This library is licensed under the LGPLv3 license, see the LICENSE file.