Application template
The project has the following structure:
├── src/ # Source files for the application
│ ├── api/ # API routes and controllers
│ ├── docs/ # API documentation and Swagger files
│ ├── helpers/ # Helper functions and utilities
│ ├── system/ # System-level modules and configurations
│ ├── tests/ # Test files and test suites
│ └── index.ts # Entry point for the application
├── requests/ # Example requests and API usage
├── .husky/ # Configuration for Git hooks using Husky
│ └── pre-commit # Pre-commit hook script
├── .dockerignore # List of files and directories to ignore in Docker
├── .env.example # Example .env file with required variables
├── .gitignore # List of files and directories to ignore in Git
├── .lintstagedrc.json # Configuration for lint-staged
├── .mocharc.json # Configuration for Mocha test framework
├── .prettierrc # Configuration for Prettier code formatter
├── .versionrc # Configuration for version bumping
├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration for services
├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile for building the application image
├── nodemon.json # Configuration for nodemon to watch file changes
├── package.json # Node.js package configuration and dependencies
├── # Detailed information about the project
├── register.ts # Register TypeScript compiler and configuration
├── tsconfig.json # Configuration for TypeScript compiler
└── tslint.json # Configuration for TSLint code linter
Clone the repository using the following command:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory using the following command:
cd nodejs-ts-boilerplate
Install the project dependencies using the following command:
npm install
To run the application, set the required environment variables and execute the following command:
npm start
To run the application in development mode, set the environment variables as described below and run the following commands:
npm install
Create a .env.development file in the root of your project and add the required environment variables as shown below:
# Environment variables for Database Configuration
# Environment variables for Application Configuration
APP_PORT=3000 # Set the port on which your Node.js app will run
API_ENDPOINT=/api/v1 # Your API endpoint URL
# Add more environment variables as needed for your application
To run the application in development mode, set the environment variables and execute the following command:
npm run dev
To start developing a project using docker containers, you need to run the following command.
docker compose --env-file .env.development up
To run the project in development mode and not display the database logs, execute the following command:
docker compose --env-file .env.development up --no-attach mongodb
To run the tests, execute the following command:
npm run tests
npm run release
If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow the guidelines in
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- Mykhailo Kudriashev -
Special thanks to the following projects and libraries:
- Express
- Mongoose
- Jest
- Swagger