
REPL for Lambda Calculus

Primary LanguageKotlin

λ calculus evaluator

Basic evaluator and command line REPL for lambda calculus


Supports standard lambda notation:

  • x - variables
  • λx.M - abstractions
  • (M N) - applications


Variable name can be either one lowercase 'a'..'z' or a sequence of uppercase 'A'..'Z' characters.

x, y, z, ID, TRUE and FALSE are all valid identifiers.

x1, yD or FalSE are not. In fact FalSE will be parsed as sequence of applications (F)(a)(l)(SE)


λ can be replaced with \, for example λxy.x can be written as \xy.x. Abstractions of form λxy.(...) will be automatically normalized to λx.λy.(...).

It is highly recommended to enclose abstractions in parenthesis to avoid confusing parser.


Any two terms appearing one after another are parsed as application.

Note that parenthesis are recommended to avoid confusion.

λx.xy will be parsed as

- Abstraction:
  - parameter: x
  - body:
    - Application:
      - x
      - y

To parse it as Application use parenthesis.

(λx.x)y will be parsed as

- Application:        
    - Abstraction:
      - parameter: x
      - body:
          - x
    - y


Evaluator will perform beta-reduction on expression until it is no longer reducible. Evaluator also keeps track of all the reductions, so it is possible to trace back all the steps.


One can use := to bind abstractions to names. Only lambda functions without free variables can be bound to a name*

ID := λx.x

Bound abstractions can be used in other expressions, i.e.


will be evaluated to a.

Evaluator will automatically perform alpha-conversion and rename conflicting parameters**.

* To be implemented
** To be implemented as well

Project structure

  • lambda-core - lexer, parser and evaluator of lambda expressions
  • cli-repl - CLI-based REPL for lambda expressions*
  • web-repl - Web-based REPL for lambda expressions**

* Work in progress
** To be implemented later