
PCRE bindings for Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


PCRE bindings for Rust.

Build Status (with rust-nightly)


extern mod std;
extern mod pcre;
use pcre::pcre::*;
use pcre::consts::*;

/// 1. Basic Usage
fn basic_usage() {
    let pat = "b(.*)";
    let subj = "FooBar";
    let opts = PCRE_CASELESS;

    let search_result = search(pat, subj, opts);

    match search_result {
        Ok(match_obj) => {
            io::println(fmt!("match=%s, group1=%s",
        Err(regex_err) => match regex_err {
            CompileErr(comp_err) => {
                io::println(fmt!("compile failed: %s",
            ExecErr(_) => {
                io::println("pattern not matched");

/// 2. Patterns and Pattern-Like Values
fn patterns() {
    // CompoleResult, Pattern, &str, ~str, and @str types
    // implement PatternLike trait.
    // So each of these values can be passed to search() etc. as a pattern.
    let comp_result: CompileResult = compile("pat.*", PCRE_CASELESS);
    let pat_obj    : Pattern       = comp_result.get();
    let static_str                 = "(?i)pat.*";
    let owned_str                  = ~"(?i)pat.*";
    let managed_str                = @"(?i)pat.*";

    assert search(comp_result, "Patty", 0).is_ok();
    assert search(pat_obj    , "Patty", 0).is_ok();
    assert search(static_str , "Patty", 0).is_ok();
    assert search(owned_str  , "Patty", 0).is_ok();
    assert search(managed_str, "Patty", 0).is_ok();

/// 3. Search Functions
fn search_fns() {
    let pat = "pattern";
    let subj = "subject";
    let offset = 3u;
    let opts = PCRE_CASELESS;

    let _ = search(pat, subj, opts);
    let _ = search_from(pat, subj, offset, opts);

/// 4. Replace Functions
fn replace_fns() {
    let pat = "pattern";
    let subj = "subject";
    let repl = "replacement";
    let offset = 3u;
    let opts = PCRE_CASELESS;

    let _ = replace(pat, subj, repl, opts);
    let _ = replace_from(pat, subj, repl, offset, opts);
    let _ = replace_fn(pat, subj, |match_obj| { repl }, opts);
    let _ = replace_fn_from(pat, subj, |match_obj| { repl }, offset, opts);
    // And replace_all_*() variants.


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