
This project is a worked example of the [Akka.Cluster.Sharding module documentation](http://getakka.net/docs/clustering/cluster-sharding).

Primary LanguageC#

Akka.NET Cluster Sharding Example

This project is a worked example of the Akka.Cluster.Sharding module documentation.


.NET Command Line Tools (1.0.0-preview2-003121)

How To Run

dotnet restore
cd src

For single seed node:

seed=yes dotnet run

For unlimited follower node in a different console:

dotnet run

Expected Behaviour

After the follower node connects to the seed, one of the nodes should start a single instance of MyActor which should print Actor Instantiated to the console once across the entire cluster (declaring a single instance of the actor is now active in the cluster), followed by Received type: String (once for each connected node) describing that a message was received buy the actor.

The Problem!

After running both the seed and the follower the cluster fails to start an instance of MyActor and logs a warning:

[WARNING][27/09/2016 14:13:20][Thread 0020][[akka://mysystem/user/sharding/my-actor#674959404]] Trying to register to coordinator at [], but no acknowledgement. Total [1] buffered messages.

Additionally, when the follower node connects to the cluster, the seed node will fail to handle messages sent do it with the following error:

[ERROR][27/09/2016 14:13:19][Thread 0009][[akka://mysystem/system/endpointManager/reliableEndpointWriter-akka.tcp%3A%2F%2Fmysystem%40127.0.0.1%3A59088-1/endpointWriter#1562219685]] Dropping message [Akka.Actor.ActorSelectionMessage] for non-local recipient [[akka.tcp://birchd@]] arriving at [akka.tcp://birchd@] inbound addresses [akka.tcp://mysystem@]
Cause: Unknown