
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


HomepageSC provides Kubernetes Ingress support to Homepage by Ben Phelps.

Running as a side car container to your HomePage container, this side car enumerates all Ingresses in your Kubernetes cluster, building a service.yaml fully populated with all your endpoints.


Deploy Homepage and HomepageSC in a single deployment with a shared volume for them to exchange their configuration.

## Deploy Homepage and HomepageSC with a shared config volume
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: homepage
  namespace: homepage
    app: homepage
      app: homepage
        app: homepage
        - name: shared-data
          emptyDir: {}
      serviceAccountName: homepage-discovery
        - name: homepage
          image: 'ghcr.io/benphelps/homepage:latest'
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - name: http
              containerPort: 3000
              protocol: TCP
            - mountPath: "/app/config" # Mount the shared config directory
              name: shared-data
        - name: homepagesc
          image: 'ghcr.io/uatec/homepagesc:latest'
            - mountPath: "/app/config" # Mount the shared config directory
              name: shared-data
            - name: OUTPUTLOCATION # Tell HomepageSC to output services in to the shared directory
              value: "/app/config/services.yaml"
            - name: INCLUSTER # Use kubeconfig provided by the cluster itself
              value: "true"

# Grant HomepageSC permission to discover ingresses and widget secrets
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: homepage-discovery
  namespace: homepage
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: homepage-discovery
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: homepage-discovery
  namespace: homepage

Configure how your ingress appears with annotations to give Homepage further information about them.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: ghost
  namespace: publishing
    homepagesc.neutrino.io/appName: Awesome Blog
    homepagesc.neutrino.io/group: Publishing
    homepagesc.neutrino.io/healthCheck: http://ghost.publish.svc.cluster.local:2368/ghost/api/v3/admin/site
    homepagesc.neutrino.io/icon: https://github.com/walkxcode/dashboard-icons/raw/main/png/ghost.png
  - host: www.awesomeblog.com
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: web
              name: http


HomepageSC exposes extra Homepage configuration options using ingress annotations. These annotations broadly mirror the service configuration of Homepage.

Annotation Description
homepagesc.neutrino.io/enable Override the default enabling behaviour by setting this to true to show your service or false to hide it.
homepagesc.neutrino.io/appName A custom name for your application. Use if you don't want to use the name of the ingress.
homepagesc.neutrino.io/group A custom group name. Use if you want the application to show in a different group than the namespace it is running in.
homepagesc.neutrino.io/icon Services may have an icon attached to them, you can use icons from Dashboard Icons automatically, by passing the name of the icon, with, or without .png. You can also specify icons from material design icons with mdi-XX. If you would like to load a remote icon, you may pass the URL to it. If you would like to load a local icon, first create a Docker mount to /app/public/icons and then reference your icon as /icons/myicon.png.
homepagesc.neutrino.io/description Use to provide a subtitle or other additional info to the service tile.
homepagesc.neutrino.io/target Changes the behaviour of links on the homepage. Possible options include _blank, _self, and _top. Use _blank to open links in a new tab, _self to open links in the same tab, and _top to open links in a new window.
homepagesc.neutrino.io/healthCheck Services may have an optional ping property that allows you to monitor the availability of an endpoint you chose and have the response time displayed. You do not need to set your ping URL equal to your href URL.
homepagesc.neutrino.io/widget_type Use to specify the type of widget to be rendered for this service. Widget's are documented on the service widget page.
homepagesc.neutrino.io/widget_secret Specify a widget secret to be added to the key field of the widget config. The secret locator format is {namespace}/{secretName}/{secretField}.


HomepageSC or global service settings can be configured using environment variables or command line parameters.

Env Var Command Line Default Description
INCLUSTER --InCluster or --InCluster=[true,false] FALSE By default HomepageSC runs in development mode, using your configured kubeconfig. Set this to tell HomepageSC to retrieve config from the cluster it is running in.
INCLUDEBYDEFAULT --IncludeByDefault or --IncludeByDefault=[true,false] true Defines the behaviour for ingresses which do not have the homepagesc.neutrino.io/enable annotation. Set to false to require services to be explicitly enabled.
OUTPUTLOCATION --OutputLocation=/app/config/service.yaml undefined Instruct HomepageSC to write configuration to a location on disk. This should be service.yaml within the HomePage configuration directory. Default behaviour is to write config to stdout to validation.
DEFAULTTARGET --DefaultTarget=[_blank,_self,_top] undefined Change the behaviour of links for all services (which do not specify their own homepagesc.neutrino.io/target annotation).


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




  • swappable kubeconfig (commmand line flag)
  • configurable output directory
  • include manual config
  • ping
    • fully qualify back end name
  • icon
    • test image config
  • homepage to support HTTP 204 as success
  • enable services
    • from annotation
    • default from config
  • targets
    • from annotations
    • default from config
  • widgets
    • basic
    • secrets
      • key
      • multi field
  • https ingresses
  • move to own namespaced attributes