
FuctureKinect is a helper class that simplifies THREE.js and kinect api through a simplified layer that has lightweight jitter removal filter. I use this for my personal projects, so this is no stable product, there can be bugs and improvements to code are yet to come.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FuctureKinect is the small wrapper for Kinect v2 skeleton tracking in THREEJS. You get simple implementation of skeleton representation with some simple jitter filtering. This is not a stable release, so bugs can hunt you down, use this with caution.

You can use it in javascript windows app like this:

// initialization of FuctureKinect var fuctureKinect = new THREE.FuctureKinectSkeletonHelper();

// send body and trackingstate to get the joints for drawing var jointInfoForDrawing = fuctureKinect.getJoints(bodies[i], nsKinect.TrackingState);

// initialization cycle of threejs fuctureKinect.generateSkeleton(scene, constants.jointNumber, jointInfoForDrawing, 100, 10);

// update cycle of threejs fuctureKinect.updateSkeleton(jointInfoForDrawing, nsKinect.JointType);