
Richmessage bot with acceptance tests

  1. Set up a new user and channel on the RocketChat bots playground
  2. Configure a new instance of the bot which is connected to the bot playground
  3. Run an automated set of tests against the bot to test platform functionality and bot logic.

How to run the bot?

  • Logon to Rocket.Chat bot playground and create an account for the bot. (You will need admin rights)
  • Assign the role bot while creating the bot account above.
  • Clone this repository.
  • Run npm install.
  • Create a .env file according to the template below, replacing the credentials with the account created:
  • Run npm start and interact with the bot on the bots playground.

How to test?

  • No need to create bot or user accounts.
  • Create a .env file as above but you can leave out the ROCKETCHAT_USER and ROCKETCHAT_PASSWORD fields.
  • Google Chrome should be present on the system.
  • Download Chromedriver and place executable on your system PATH.
  • Clone this repository.
  • Run npm install.
  • Run npm test.

npm test executes node createAccounts.js & mocha ./*spec.js; node deleteAccounts.js. createAccounts.js script creates the bot and user accounts on the remote Rocket.Chat server. Then the richmessage acceptance tests are run using Mocha and Selenium. deleteAccounts.js script deletes the bot and user accounts created earlier to make sure the server returns to its previous state.

Bonus: Importing project's non-default branch from Github to Glitch

Use the import option to import the project to Glitch. This will clone only the master or default branch. To checkout to any other branch of your repo, fire up the Glitch console and run git checkout --track origin/branchname and Voila! The branchname branch is now running on Glitch.