Tutorial to create a node on Binance Smart Chain network (BSC) to use with Coyote Chainsniper Linux Edition.
Link to official server of Coyote bots : https://discord.gg/fP3Z4tY92j
This tutorial helps to create a node on BSC network from a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04.
- HETZNER put disk in RAID 0
- Run your server in Linux Rescue mode
- Go in your server panel on hetzner website
- Go in Rescue tab. Activate it and save the new password
- Go in Reset tab and do a Automatic reset
- Run in SSH with the new root password
Type :
Choose Ubuntu 2004 minimal
then you will be in setup file
Then change SWRAIDLEVEL to 0
Then press F2 to save
Then press F10 2 times to exit.
At the end of the reformat, enter "reboot".
The server will reboot and you can start at step 1.
- Update all packages
apt update && apt upgrade -y
- Create geth user and download geth BSC
useradd -m geth
cd /home/geth
wget https://github.com/binance-chain/bsc/releases/download/v1.1.13/geth_linux
chmod +x geth_linux
- Edit start.sh command line
nano start.sh
- Paste content in the empty file
./geth_linux --config ./config.toml --datadir ./mainnet --pipecommit --cache 32000 --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs --txlookuplimit 0 --ws --ws.addr --ws.origins '*' --ws.api eth,net,web3,txpool,debug
- Make start.sh file executable
chmod +x start.sh
- Install required packages
apt install unzip aria2 -y
- Download all data
wget https://github.com/binance-chain/bsc/releases/download/v1.1.13/mainnet.zip
unzip mainnet.zip
- Change URL by the last pruned snapshots available you can find here : https://github.com/bnb-chain/bsc-snapshots
nohup aria2c -o geth.tar.lz4 -c -x 4 -s 12 "https://tf-dex-prod-public-snapshot-site1.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/geth-20220613-prune-ancient.tar.lz4?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAYINE6SBQPUZDDRRO&Signature=oGZ4fwSwyQNnCyknRWlSl4ZldRU%3D&Expires=1657796923" &
You can check the status of the download by doing :
then :
tail -f nohup.out
then Ctrl-C to exit the log file
- Extract snapshot
nohup tar -I lz4 -xvf geth.tar.lz4 &
You can check the status of the extraction by doing :
then :
tail -f nohup.out
- Move to datadir folder
mkdir mainnet
mv geth mainnet
(actually move the extracted data in the /home/geth/{extracted folder name -geth- } to the folder /home/geth/mainnet/geth)
- Create service to start the node
nano /lib/systemd/system/geth.service
- Copy paste this content
Description=BSC Full Node
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/geth/start.sh
- Chown all files to geth user
chown -R geth.geth /home/geth/*
- Start node
systemctl enable geth
systemctl start geth
- Configure Chainsniper config.json file to use the node (if Chainsniper is installed on same server) :
Http node :
WS node : ws://
- Check sync logs:
tail -f /home/geth/mainnet/bsc.log