Looking for a new benchmark
GhazalSdn opened this issue · 5 comments
GhazalSdn commented
Looking for a new benchmark
joehattori commented
(I'll update this comment as I find other candidates.)
I found some benchmarks in this repo that might be suitable to add to this project. Here is the list.
- A ported version of Google Online Boutique, an e-commerce Web app.
- Consists of 9 services that form a DAG (graph of this app).
- Interesting candidate in terms of the complexity.
- A video processing app which performs image recognition on individual image frames on the video feed.
- The presumed heavy workload might make this app worthy enough to be in the list of benchmarks for this project.
- A ported version of a benchmark service in DeathStar, which is a (non-serverless) microservice benchmark. DeathStar is a microservice benchmark originally published in ASPLOS '19, which consists of three real-life web services.
- Other two benchmarks in DeathStar might be interesting as well;
- A movie browsing service including video streaming, searching movies, rating movies, etc.
- A social network service which is very similar to Twitter.
- All three tasks have very deep graph structure. The graphs mostly seem to be DAGs, but we might need to modify some code in other two apps in case they are not acyclic.
- A microservice example whose graph seem to be a DAG image
- Not a serverless benchmark, so we have to port it to work on serverless environment.
- Built in .NET.
- Tool to send email marketing campaigns with AWS SES & Lambda.
- Seemingly no architecture graph provided.
engshahrad commented
Sep. 20 discussion conclusion: going ahead with the Video Analytics benchmark.
joehattori commented
Ported the Video Analytics benchmark to our system.
Deployed and tested through "TEST" tab in the Google Cloud Functions console with this JSON;
"message": "video.mp4"
Seems to be working
joehattori commented
I'll update this list as soon as I find other benchmarks.
- buzz-rust
- A serverless query engine.
- Written in Rust, built for AWS.
- We have to run it in Cloud Run as Cloud Functions doesn't support Rust.
- Montage
- An astronomical image mosaic engine
- serverless deployment
- Pegasus
- List of scientific workflows, which includes Montage
- Not built for serverless environment.
- Benchmarks from FassFlow
- @engshahrad pointed this out (thank you so much!).
- Tried to read the code, but not really sure how we can port them to our environment.
engshahrad commented
Closing this issue for now at we have five solid applications now.