
colmap mapper fails on some bags (specially for bag size 5)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When I tried to evaluate on multiview, the bundle adjustment step couldn't converge and failed to generate colmap outputs.
This happens for a few bags only. Around 5 bags (size 5) failed when I tried with vanilla SIFT features with nfeatures=2048.

As a few bags were missing it couldn't proceed forward and generate the final metrics.

How can I solve or ignore this issue?

Thank you for your help. :)


Which is the colmap version you use?


Warning: If you use the multi-view part of the benchmark, please use COLMAP 3.5.
 Newer versions change the behaviour of COLMAP when it cannot find a good initial pair 
to start the reconstruction, which now triggers a failure instead of a warning. 
This cascades into the benchmark.

Thank you so much. Worked flawlessly with Colmap 3.5
I was using Colmap 3.9 before. It was an oversight on my part to miss literally the first line of Readme 😅