
Course repo for ECON 323, 2021 spring

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Course materials for ECON 323, Spring 2021

Previous programming experience and classwork is useful but not required. But even if you know how to program, you will learn a great deal of interesting applications.

We will follow the QuantEcon DataScience textbook

Computational Setup

You will not need to install any software on your local computer. Instead:

If possible, please bring a laptop to class to interactively discuss the material.

Instructor and Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant


See Syllabus for more details

Major course sections

  1. Python Fundamentals
  2. Scientific Computing and Economics
  3. Introduction to Pandas and Data Wrangling
  4. Data Science Case Studies and Tools

Grading: Weekly problem sets: 50%; Final projects: 45%; Attendance/Participation: 5%

The final project is open ended. See previous projects

Lecture and Problem Set Schedule

All problem sets are to be sent as clean, executed .ipynb notebooks on Canvas.