
A repository for our 2023-10-27 Word Embeddings and AI workshop at UBC

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Querying AI - Workshop

Working with AI for Humanities and Social Science Research: Python and R for Word Embeddings and Language Models UBC, October 2023

Welcome to our repository for our word embeddings and AI workshop. To make this workshop more accessible to participants, we have three options available for hands-on participation. However, if you do not want to code-along with, and you would like to just see the rendered notebooks instead, you can see them here:

Options for Using these Notebooks

There are three options in the workshop to code along with us during the session:

  1. Use them as through our JupyterOpen hub, via your web-browser. This option requires a UBC Campus-Wide Login (CWL)
  2. Use them via Google Colab, again in your web-browser. This option requires a Google Account.
  3. Use them locally (on your computer), by installing RStudio, R, and Python.

Option 1: Jupyter Open

This is the simplest option, but it does require a CWL. To do this click here:

And then log in with your CWL credentials.

You will then need to install some packages to run the notebooks part of this project. To do this, open a new terminal in the Launcher, or click File > New > Terminal and then type in:

bash setup-r.sh

if you're using R or:

bash setup-py.sh

if you're using Python and hit enter. This will run, and can take a few minutes to complete.

Option 2: Google Collab

This is also straightforward. To do this, click this link:


And log-in with your Google Account:

  • Select the version Word2vec_Workshop_R_Version_collab which is designed for Google Collab
  • At the top, click "Copy to Drive" to move it to your own Drive.
  • You may also need to install packages; make sure the install.packages commands are uncommented and run them. It's slow. Give it a minute.

Special thanks to Eric Daigle for setting this up

Option 3: Run Locally

The final option is the most complex, but the notebooks can be run locally on your hardware.