
Full-stack React + supabase app for documenting laboratory QC test results.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

QC Logger

Please be advised that this project is a work in progress, so the DEMO may become disconnected from the API during feature updates!!

Record your QC laboratory results using QC Logger! This app was inspired by my prior experience as a laboratory professional, where I would routinely record QC test results on paper. Why not make it electronic?! This full-stack project is made with React and Supabase. Check out the DEMO on Netlify!

QC Logger Demo

How It's Made:

Tech used:

React, Supabase, JavaScript/HTML/CSS

Using NPM:

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start Application
$ npm start

Things to add:

  • Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:
    • REACT_APP_SUPABASE_URL=[Enter Supabase URL Here]
    • REACT_APP_ANON_KEY=[Enter Supabase Key Here]

Lessons Learned:

Better knowledge of React hooks, such as useEffect and useState. Better knowledge of using Supabase API calls to connect to the Supabase backend. Adding authentication via Supabase.


I would like to eventually build out RLS, and add an audit trail feature.