- 5
Resignation of maintenance
#55 opened by twolfson - 2
DataURL Support
#57 opened by ccpandhare - 1
dependency "tmp" should be updated
#54 opened by mojoaxel - 3
Option to specify path for ImageMagick in gm
#51 opened by shukriadams - 8
issue with comparing with downloaded jpg image
#50 opened by dailycafi - 23
Is there any way to test a threshold?
#14 opened by corysimmons - 6
Not working on Windows 10
#49 opened - 1
GraphicsMagick support?
#48 opened by ScenK - 1
- 7
Appveyor support?
#43 opened by amilajack - 5
Get % Difference?
#39 opened - 2
GM security
#37 opened by jacobp100 - 2
Diff issue
#36 opened by x3au - 5
Diff failing on Windows
#32 opened by x3au - 3
Some Image Differences Cause Crash
#31 opened by jacobp100 - 2
- 4
- 4
Support skipping of diffImage
#23 opened by LinusU - 3
Determine release workflow
#16 opened by twolfson - 1
It doesnt work on windows
#13 opened by joysamcyborg - 1
Different height images cannot be compared
#9 opened by twolfson - 2
- 2
Place demo image in README
#2 opened by twolfson - 1
Annotate or make dependencies consistent
#4 opened by twolfson - 8