
React DOM wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

r-dom Build Status

React DOM wrapper.


var React = require('react');
var r = require('r-dom');

var AnotherComponent = require('./another-component');

module.exports = React.createClass({
  render: function render() {
    return (
      r.div({className: 'example'}, [
        r.h1('Hello World!'),
        r.h2('This is React.js markup'),
        r(AnotherComponent, {foo: 'bar'}),
          classSet: { // Automatically use `classnames` module for classSet
            foo: this.props.foo,
            bar: this.props.bar
          isRendered: this.props.foo // div won't render if isRendered is falsy


r[tag]([properties], [children])

Returns a React element

  • tag String - A React.DOM tag string
  • properties Object optional - An object containing the properties you'd like to set on the element.
  • children Array|String optional - An array of r children or a string. This will create child elements or a text node, respectively.

r(component, [properties], [children])

Returns a React element

  • component Function - A React.js Component class created with React.createClass
  • properties Object optional - An object containing the properties you'd like to set on the element.
  • children Array|String optional - An array of r children or a string. This will create child elements or a text node, respectively.

Special Properties

  • isRendered "Boolean" optional - If falsy, React will skip rendering the target component.
  • classSet Object optional - Apply classnames and assign to className.