
An automatic way of creating command line options to override fields from a struct.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

An automatic way of creating command line options to override fields from a struct.


go get -u github.com/uber-go/flagoverride


Typically, if one wants to load from a config file (e.g. yaml), one has to define a proper struct, then load values into it (e.g. yaml.Unmarshal()). However, there are situations where we want to load most of the configs from the file and to override some of the configs.

Let's say we use a yaml to config our Db connections and upon start of the application we load from the yaml file to get the necessary parameters to create the connection. Our base.yaml looks like this:

    user: 'foo'
    password: 'xxxxxx'
    mysql_defaults_file: ./mysql_defaults.ini
    mysql_socket_path: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    ... more config options ...

we want to load all the configs from it but we want to provide some flexibility for the program to connect via a different db user. We could define a --user command flag then after loading the yaml file, we override the user field with what we get from --user flag.

If there are many overriding like this, manual define these flags is tedious. This package provides an automatic way to define this override, which is, given a struct, it'll create all the flags which are name using the field names of the struct. If one of these flags are set via command line, the struct will be modified in-place to reflect the value from command line, therefore the values of the fields in the struct are overridden.

YAML is just used as an example here. In practice, one can use any struct tdefine flags.

Let's say we have our configuration object as the following:

  type logging struct {
  	 Interval int
  	 Path     string

  type socket struct {
  	 ReadTimeout  time.Duration
  	 WriteTimeout time.Duration

  type tcp struct {
  	 ReadTimeout time.Duration

  type network struct {
  	 ReadTimeout  time.Duration
  	 WriteTimeout time.Duration

  type Cfg struct {

The following code:

  func main() {
    c := &Cfg{}
    flags.ParseArgs(c, os.Args[1:])

will create the following flags:

  -logging.interval int
  -logging.path string
  -network.readtimeout duration
  -network.tcp.readtimeout duration
  -network.tcp.socket.readtimeout duration
  -network.tcp.socket.writetimeout duration
  -network.writetimeout duration

flags to subcommands are naturally supported.

  func main() {
    cmd := os.Args[1]
    switch cmd {
      case "new"
      c1 := &Cfg1{}
      ParseArgs(c1, os.Args[2:])
    case "update":
      c2 := &Cfg2{}
      ParseArgs(c2, os.Args[2:])

    ... more sub commands ...

One can set Flatten to true when calling NewFlagMakerAdv, in which case, flags are created without namespacing. For example,

  type auth struct {
   Token string
   Tag   float64

  type credentials struct {
   User     string
   Password string

  type database struct {
   DBName    string
   TableName string

  type Cfg struct {

  func main() {
   c := &Cfg{}
   flags.ParseArgs(c, os.Args[1:])

will create the following flags:

  -dbname string
  -interval int
  -password string
  -path string
  -tablename string
  -tag float
  -token string
  -user string

Please be aware that usual GoLang flag creation rules apply, i.e., if there are duplication in flag names (in the flattened case it's more likely to happen unless the caller make due diligence to create the struct properly), it panics.

Note that not all types can have command line flags created for.

map, channel and function type will not define a flag corresponding to the field.

Pointer types are properly handled and slice type will create multi-value command line flags.

That is, e.g. if a field foo's type is []int, one can use --foo 10 --foo 15 --foo 20 to override this field value to be []int{10, 15, 20}. For now, only []int, []string and []float64 are supported in this fashion.

Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE.txt).