A prober to probe HTTP, tchannel, or potentially other protocols based backends for health
var Prober = require("airlock")
var prober = new Prober({
title: 'probe interface',
statsd: { increment: function (key) {
// send increment command to a statsd server.
} },
logger: {
warn: function (message) {
/* sink this message to your logging system */
var thunk = request.bind(null, {
uri: 'http://www.example.com/foo',
method: 'POST',
json: { ... }
prober.probe(thunk, function (err, res, body) {
/* we probed the async task and have the result
if the async task fails a lot then the prober
automatically rate limits
npm install airlock
- Raynos
- markyen
- jwolski
- zhijinli