Pinned issues
- 0
Is there a plan to support Python 3.9+
#567 opened by qiyanz - 2
- 2
Have a way to set LD_PRELOAD for tensorflow_text
#559 opened by josephykwang - 14
Support for newer versions of Torchscript
#530 opened by tgaddair - 0
Things to figure out before a major release
#555 opened by VivekPanyam - 6
Slicing is not done correctly for torch script model
#553 opened by irasit - 0
- 2
SavedModel Load Issue
#549 opened by voe09 - 2
Support Dict[str, Union[List[str], torch.Tensor]] as torchscript model input type
#542 opened by voe09 - 2
Loose the Neuropod backend version match
#539 opened by jiaguofang - 0
- 0
- 3
- 0
Support Torchscript 1.9 in neuropod
#516 opened by qiyanz - 1
create_keras_neuropod() does not work with TF 2.6 (AttributeError: 'KerasTensor' object has no attribute 'graph')
#514 opened by thuningxu - 2
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Add support for tf.SavedModel format
#486 opened by tgaddair - 0
- 0
[TF] Add tests for saved model support for TF 1.x
#496 opened by VivekPanyam - 3
- 0
Tensorflow backend in IPE mode reports warning "expects data to be 64 byte aligned" on every inference
#484 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 1
Python built-in libraries can't be found when bundled python model and external environment have different versions
#482 opened by mincomp - 2
- 2
ValueError: Expected requirements of the form name==version but got --index-url
#479 opened by qiyanz - 2
Save platform version that were used to train model and generate "binary" data
#474 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 1
Python dependencies across platforms
#478 opened by VivekPanyam - 7
Recovery from: "libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error"
#395 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 7
- 3
Inter-op and intra-op threading parameters in PyTorch
#473 opened by olcayc - 1
Parent process to update of NEUROPOD_BASE_DIR doesn't affect "register backend" IPE and OPE mode.
#472 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 5
dyld: Library not loaded: bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/neuropod/
#468 opened by davidxiaozhi - 1
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[java] Generate self-contained jar with OS-Arch specific native libraries (JNI, Core and Backend)
#457 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 0
[Java API] Remove isTestMode
#412 opened by VivekPanyam - 0
- 0
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[Java API] Validate that there is a check for an exception after all JNI calls that can raise an exception
#434 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 10
Crash with "signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code" with multiple OPE instances
#397 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 2
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Add a C API to Neuropod
#407 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 3
Wrong results with non-contiguous arrays
#384 opened by dsuess - 2
Add "neuropod" tag to stackoverflow?
#392 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 0
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"Fatal Python error: PyMUTEX_LOCK(gil->mutex) failed" when using native bindings
#404 opened by tgaddair - 22
ImportError on load_neuropod
#387 opened by w4nderlust - 1
AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'argv'
#374 opened by irasit - 5
Error from dlopen: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#383 opened by yapus - 3
Neuropod 0.2.0rc1 in
#367 opened by vkuzmin-uber - 0