
Add `at` method to accessors

VivekPanyam opened this issue · 2 comments

Bounds check and call [] operator

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Add an at method to TensorAccessor that does a bounds check and then calls the [] operator.

The relevant code is

// Indexing into a N dimensional accessor returns an N - 1 dimensional accessor
const TensorAccessor<Container, N - 1> operator[](int64_t i) const
// This operator returns a TensorAccessor that accesses an `N - 1` dimensional tensor at index `i`
// of this TensorAccessor. To do this, we compute the correct offsets into `data_` and pass along the last
// `N - 1` elements in `dims_` and `strides_` to the new accessor. For example:
// auto tensor = allocator->allocate_tensor<float>({3, 5});
// // Not using `auto` for clarity on types
// TensorAccessor<float *, 2> accessor = tensor->accessor();
// // In this accessor:
// // `data_` points to the tensor's underlying buffer
// // `dims_` points to an array containing 3, 5
// // `strides_` points to an array containing 5, 1
// // `offset_` is 0
// // This means that any indexing into this accessor indexes into the underlying buffer
// // starting at `0` with a stride of `5`
// // Since `N` (in the template args) is > 1, this accessor returns another accessor when indexed into
// TensorAccessor<float *, 1> subaccessor = accessor[2];
// // In this accessor:
// // `data_` points to the tensor's underlying buffer
// // `dims_` points to an array containing 5
// // `strides_` points to an array containing 1
// // `offset_` is 10
// // This means that any indexing into this accessor indexes into the underlying buffer
// // starting at `10` with a stride of `1`
// // This is equivalent to an index of 11 in the underlying buffer (or the 12th item)
// float item = subaccessor[1];
// // Same as this
// float same_item = accessor[2][1];
// // Same as this
// float also_same = *(tensor->get_raw_data_ptr() + 11);
return TensorAccessor<Container, N - 1>(data_, dims_ + 1, strides_ + 1, offset_ + strides_[0] * i);


auto operator[](int64_t i) const -> decltype(data_[offset_ + i]) { return data_[offset_ + i]; }

Hi can I get some guidance to work on this issue?