- 0
Uber signing certificate revoked - resign code
#981 opened by jonathanbaker7 - 0
- 1
Start cutting releases to Maven Central.
#970 opened by tyvsmith - 2
Run app_kt:buckWrapper failed
#971 opened by Hynsn - 0
Create Release Branch to support 0.52.4
#960 opened by tyvsmith - 0
- 1
Add support for Robolectric 4.7.3
#959 opened by tyvsmith - 2
does plan to support Gradle Kotlin DSL?
#906 opened by leleliu008 - 1
- 0
- 3
How to check the okbuck actived?
#955 opened by Hynsn - 4
The version 0.52.4 can't be found
#954 opened by ronnie-o-sullivan - 0
- 0
- 0
Is React-Native supported
#939 opened by J3j3m - 0
- 1
- 6
Coroutines issue on runtime
#839 opened by ricoharisin - 2
Cleanup proguard in generated dependencies
#925 opened by kurtisnelson - 1
Why BUCK http cache repo is deprecated?
#926 opened by alekseevpg - 2
Does okbuck support dynamic feature?
#827 opened by esafirm - 6
- 2
build error
#888 opened by starfire-lzd - 1
No target found for project
#865 opened by JDDJJ - 1
does okbuck support Navigation of jetpack
#866 opened by JDDJJ - 1
OkBuck fails - okbuck_jetifier_deps
#864 opened by binaryroot - 1
- 1
does this support the GreenDao
#869 opened by JDDJJ - 1
okbuck fails with Gradle 5.1.1+ (Could not create symlink: FileAlreadyExistsException)
#873 opened by anoopc1 - 1
Dexguard 8.5.01 is Causing ANR
#875 opened by NikhilBhadouria - 3
multiple dependencies problem
#887 opened by starfire-lzd - 1
#880 opened by KamalNishad - 1
- 5
Kotlin 1.3.31 support
#847 opened by Blisse - 1
- 2
- 12
OkBuck is incompatible with AGP 3.4.0
#840 opened by inez - 0
Support Proguard 7
#912 opened by kurtisnelson - 4
:okbuck: failing to detect correct autoValueExtensions for module's first level annotation processor deps
#896 opened by rifqimfahmi - 1
Support Bill of Materials
#909 opened by kurtisnelson - 2
- 2
Cannot build kotlin-app:bin_debug
#868 opened by rifqimfahmi - 0
resolutionAction LATEST fails resolving
#861 opened by artem-zinnatullin - 2
Local dependencies should be under project root. Dependencies outside the project can cause hard to reproduce builds.
#853 opened by adellhk - 1
Why unpack arr package and check xml errror?
#850 opened by jichre - 1
- 1
- 6
- 2
Plugin Marker Artifacts aren't published
#833 opened by NickFirmani - 1
Support for multiDexEnabled in buildTypes
#828 opened by bangarharshit