
Use vLLM and FlashAttention for AQLM quantized Local LLM model inferencing.

Primary LanguagePython


Use vLLM and FlashAttention for AQLM quantized Local LLM model inferencing.


Seems to require Python <3.11, so bleeding edge 3.12+ can use the Dockerfile if desired.

Build Docker Image

The base image nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:24.03-py3 has all the python and flash attention dependencies ready to go. Just adds python pip and venv.

docker build -t localllama/vllm-inference-aqlm .

Run Docker Container

It will persist all huggingface and pip cache in the local .cache/ and .config/ directories across runs to reduce extreneous downloads.

# Linux
# Windows (untested)

Inside the Docker Container Context

Once you are inside the container shell, run the following the first time.

# 1. create pip virtual environment
python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

# 2. install dependencies
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
pip install --upgrade -r requirements-dev.txt

# 3. upgrade and check versions
python3 -m venv --upgrade ./venv
pip freeze
python3 -V


Now you are ready to go. It will automatically download the models the first time and persist them in ./cache/ folder across runs.

Remember to get into the python venv by sourcing the activate script each time you start a new container.

source ./venv/bin/activate


Inferencing Speed Benchmarks


Still working on this, didn't get good results due to issues with evals (e.g. mmlu) requiring logliklihood Also the evals available are not exactly the same as those published by Meta etc (e.g. gsm8k 8-shot CoT) which is a bit different than simply specifying gsm8k from what I can tell. So it isn't even apples to apples without additional cleaning and voting likley using something like the project outlines or just some regexes hah.

# Any evals requiring logliklihood e.g. mmlu don't work.. gsm8k seems okay though
source ./venv/bin/activate

# run AQLM evaluation
export MODEL_NAME="ISTA-DASLab/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-AQLM-2Bit-1x16"
lm_eval \
    --model vllm \
    --model_args pretrained="$MODEL_NAME",dtype=auto,gpu_memory_utilization=0.99,enforce_eager=True,max_model_len=2048,kv_cache_dtype=auto \
    --tasks gsm8k \
    --batch_size 1

# for comparison run GGUF evaluation via API
# startup LMStudio or KoboldCPP etc and run your GGUF and turn on the API server then:
export OPENAI_API_KEY=nobearertoken
export API_URL=""
export LLM_MODEL="openai/model"
lm_eval \
    --model local-chat-completions \
    --tasks gsm8k \
    --model_args model="$LLM_MODEL",base_url="$API_URL"

Additional hacking notes in EVALS.md


Sorry, takes way to long to AQLM quantize a model at home on your 3090TI.
