
Spring Boot

This project provides to create grade records for students..

The application has 2 apis

  • GradeAPI
  • DepartmentAPI
  • LectureAPI
  • InstructorAPI
  • StudentAPI
POST /api/grades/createGrade - creates a new grade for existing student
GET /api/grades/findGradeById/{gradeId} - retrieves a grade
GET /api/grades/getAll - retrieves all grades
DELETE /deleteGradeById/{gradeId} - delete grade by id

GET /api/departments/getAll - retrieves all departments

GET /api/instructors/getAll - retrieves all instructors
GET /api/instructors/findInstructorById/{instructorId} - delete instructor by id

GET /api/lectures/getAll - retrieves all lectures
GET /api/lectures/getLectureById/{lectureId} - get lecture by id
GET /api/lectures/getLectureByCode/{lectureCode} - get lecture by lecture code

POST /api/students/createStudent - creates a new student
GET /api/students/findStudentById/{studentId} - retrieves a student
GET /api/students/getAll - retrieves all students

Tech Stack

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Restful API
  • Docker
  • Docker compose
  • Postgres
  • PgAdmin

DB Diagram



  • Maven
  • Docker

Run & Build

There are 2 ways of run & build the application.

Docker Compose

For docker compose usage, docker images already push to docker.io

You just need to run docker-compose up command

$PORT: 8080

$ cd account
$ docker-compose up


$PORT: 8080

$ cd account/account-api
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run

Swagger UI will be run on this url
