
An mysql plugin for sending message to an HTTP endpoint

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Mysql HTTP plugin

A mysql plugin for sending message to an HTTP endpoint.

This plugin was used in production when async messages became a need for the infrastructure. Meanwhile, we got a NSQ cluster deployed and this is plugin is not used and/or maintained.

I'm sharing this with you because I believe some of you may find it: a good starting point in building your own MYSQL plugins.

  1. Install prerequisites
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
  1. Build plugin
make build 
  1. Upload the plugin into server by ftp and copy the file in the mysql plugin path
mysql> show variables like 'plugin_dir';
| Variable_name | Value                    |
| plugin_dir    | /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/ |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  1. Install the plugin
INSTALL PLUGIN http_notify SONAME 'http_notify_udf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION http_notify RETURNS STRING SONAME 'http_notify_udf.so';
  1. Configure endpoint


  • Endpoint is the base URL for your api
  • Credentials are optional and they are enabling Basic Authentication with the endpoint

Use the plugin


SELECT http_notify("POST","users",'{"id":1,"username":"test","email":"test@domain.com"}')

will queue an HTTP

  • method: POST
  • url: http://webhook.devs.local:8000/hooks/v1/user
  • payload {"id":1,"username":"test","email":"test@domain.com"}


SELECT http_notify("PUT","users",'{"id":1,"username":"test","email":"test@domain.com"}')

will queue an HTTP

  • method: PUT
  • url: http://webhook.devs.local:8000/hooks/v1/user/1
  • payload {"id":1,"username":"test","email":"test@domain.com"}


SELECT http_notify("DELETE","users",'{"id":1,"username":"test","email":"test@domain.com"}')

will queue an HTTP

  • method: DELETE
  • url: http://webhook.devs.local:8000/hooks/v1/user/1
  • payload {"id":1}


  • In order to get this working properly there is a contrain that your payload needs to be a JSON payload containing the "id" field.