
Energy Management System simulation for PV-battery electric microgrids

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


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EMSx.jl is a Julia package for simulating the control of an electric microgrid with an Energy Management System. It originated from a joint project between CERMICS, Efficacity and Schneider Electric. This package is designed for benchmarking EMS techniques, as documented in this paper.


If not installed, download Julia 1.3.0 or higher versions. Then, add the EMSx.jl package using Julia's package manager. Note that EMSx.jl is not a registered package.


The microgrid control simulation relies on data provided by Schneider Electric. Besides data per site and metadata to run the benchmark, we also provide a file pv.csv reporting the historical photovoltaic production and forecasts employed for all sites, with values scaled in [0,1].


EMSx.jl provides functions for downloading the dataset: call EMSx.download_sites_data(path_to_data_folder) to download the data for all sites, and call EMSx.download_pv(path_to_data_folder) to download the file pv.csv. Note that you can specify site ids, e.g. EMSx.download_sites_data(path_to_data_folder, 1:5) to download sites with ids from 1 to 5.

The default behavior is to download data from Zenodo. Alternatively, you can download data from Schneider's platform as follows:

  1. make an account and login to Schneider's platform
  2. generate an API key from your account
  3. set an environment variable with your API key: SCHNEIDER_API_KEY = XXX
  4. just call EMSx.download_sites_data(path_to_data_folder) to download the data for all sites

Note that the data is compressed to .gz file and that downloading the total amount of data requires about 6GB of disk space.

Data partitioning

If you wish to use the data to run the benchmark, you need to perform the train/test data partitioning by running EMSx.initialize_data(path_to_data_folder). By default, pre-partitioning data files are deleted to save disk space. You can choose to keep them with the keyword delete_files=false.


Due to the large volume of data, downloading and data partitioning can be time consuming. We provide parallelization options for these steps. Aslo, we report that downloading data from Zenodo can be significantly faster (about 12 minutes with a WIFI connexion of 80 Mbps)

Using EMSx.jl

EMSx.jl is a package for simulating the control of an electric microgrid on testing periods of one week. We have a pool of 70 microgrids with data. Each microgrid is composed with

  • a photovoltaic (PV) generating unit,
  • a battery,
  • a delivery point to exchange power with the grid,
  • electric devices, resulting in a aggregated local load.

Energy exchanges with the grid induce costs. The aim of a controller is to manage the microgrid at least operating cost. During simulation, a controller has access to online data, gathered in instances of the Information type:

struct Information
	t::Int64 # time step in [1, 672]
	soc::Float64 # battery's state of charge in [0, 1]
	pv::Array{Float64,1} # 24h history of PV data, 15 min samples 
	forecast_pv::Array{Float64,1} # 24h forecasts of PV data, 15 min samples
	load::Array{Float64,1} # 24h history of load data, 15 min samples
	forecast_load::Array{Float64,1} # 24h forecasts of lad data, 15 min samples

We provide an example of usage for a DummyController which does not use the battery.

using EMSx

mutable struct DummyController <: EMSx.AbstractController end

	information::EMSx.Information) = 0.

const controller = DummyController()


The behavior of DummyController is specified by the corresponding method of the compute_control function. For more complex controllers, you might also want to implement a specific method for the initialize_site_controller function. We refer to examples for more complex usages.


The performance of a controller on the EMSx benchmark is measured relatively to the performance of

  • a dummy controller, which does not use the battery
  • an anticipative controller, which has full knowledge of the future energy net demand

Such baseline controllers allow us to compute performance metrics based on the score.jld2 file saved after running a simulation:

julia> performance_metrics = EMSx.evaluate_model("/home/xxx/model/score.jld2")
3×4 DataFrame
│ Row │ site   │ cost    │ gain    │ score    │
│     │ String │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64  │
│ 114351.99109.0150.739589 │
│ 23536.23218.02760.705637 │
│ 349025.46136.4770.681385

Here, for each site, each metrics is averaged over the pool of simulation periods: cost refers to the raw operating cost, gain refers to the gain of the model against a dummy controller, score refers to the gain of the model standardized by the gain of an anticipative controller (e.g. in the code snippet above, the model achieves 68% of the anticipative gain on site 4). We refer to this paper for more details on our performance metrics.


EMSx.jl provides functions for distributed processing. Before calling a parallelized operation, initialize workers with EMSx.init_parallel(n_workers). The following functions make use of parallelization: