
Ansible Playbook for deploying an eduroam Identity Provider

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Ansible Playbook for an eduroam IdP/Radius server


  • Clone the repository from Github

      git clone https://github.com/ubuntunet/eduroam_radius.git
  • Change into the newly created directory

      cd eduroam_radius
  • Copy the inventory template

      cp inventories/template inventories/<tld_institution>
  • Open your new inventory and replace

 - FQDN or IP with the actual URL/IP of your server

  • <tld_institution> with your actual inventory file name

  • Copy the group_vars template

      cp group_vars/template group_vars/<tld_institution>
  • Adopt the variables in group_vars/<tld_institution> to your liking

  • Copy the clients template, where you'll be adding the information about the clients that are connecting to your Radius server

      cp group_vars/clients.yml.example group_vars/clients.yml
  • Create the secret.yml file that contains your sensitive information. Add your credentials.

      cp group_vars/secrets.yml.example group_vars/secrets.yml
  • Run the playbook and make sure it finishes without error messages. Whenever you change something in the playbook, just replay this command.

      ansible-playbook -i inventories/<tld_institution> eduroam_idp.yml

Adding a new client/access point (AP)

  • Open group_vars/clients.yml

  • Copy/Paste the client entry MyOtherAP

  • Change the name, IP address and shared secret

  • Re-run the playbook with the clients tag, which will only copy the clients.conf file making for a faster deployment

      ansible-playbook -i inventories/<tld_institution> --tags "clients" eduroam_idp.yml

How do I check if it works?

Using radtest

    radtest [user] [password] localhost:[port (default is 1812)][nas-port-number(default 0)][shared_secret]

and check for an "Access-Accept" in the response.

  • Run radtest remotely if you have enabled the static test user

      ansible radius -i inventories/<tld_institution> -a "radtest test mySecret localhost:1812 0 testing123"
  • Run the Freeradius service manually to see what is happening at the server side

    • Log into your machine

    • Stop the freeradius daemon

          sudo service freeradius stop 
    • Start it manually in debug mode

          sudo freeradius -X

Using eapol_test

See also http://deployingradius.com/scripts/eapol_test

  • Enable eapol_test role in your group_vars file

        play_eapol: True
  • Re-run playbook

        ansible-playbook -i inventories/<tld_institution> eduroam_idp.yml          
  • Log into the server

  • Have a look at the configuration test file in your home folder

        vi ~/peap-mschapv2.conf
  • Run the test

        eapol_test -c ~/peap-mschapv2.conf -s testing123