
A simple package that wraps PyTorch models conversion to ONNX and TensorRT

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Convert PyTorch models to ONNX and then to TensorRT

Build Status


  1. Python 3.6 or 3.8
  2. PyTorch (1.9 or higher is required)
  3. TensorRT (tested with 8.0)
  4. The rest of the requirements are listed in requirements.txt and can be installed automatically via pip installation

The python version restriction is caused by pytorch-quantization package required for the conversion of quantised models

Alternatively, you can skip installation of the requirements and use this docker container


From pypi

The package can now be installed from pypi using command:

pip3 install torch2onnx2trt
From source

There is setup.py file in the repo, so the installation is pretty straightforward

git clone https://github.com/ucLh/torch2onnx2trt.git
cd torch2onnx2trt
pip3 install -e ./


import torch
from torch2onnx2trt import convert_torch2onnx, convert_onnx2trt
# Load your pretrained model
pretrained_model = YourModelClass()
ckpt = torch.load('ckpt.pth')
# You need to pass your model with loaded weights, an output path for onnx model
# and desired input shape to convert_torch2onnx function
convert_torch2onnx(pretrained_model, 'effnetb0_unet_gray_2grass_iou55.onnx', (1, 3, 640, 1280))
# convert_onnx2trt expects a path to onnx model and an output path for resulting
# TensorRT .bin model
convert_onnx2trt('../effnetb0_unet_gray_2grass_iou55.onnx', '../effnetb0_unet_gray_2grass_iou55.bin')
TensorRT supported layers

You can find TensorRT supported layers on the their official site