
Repository for solving discrete optimal transport problems via Cplex, Sinkhorn, FastEMD and the GPU implementation of SparseSinkhorn,

Primary LanguageMakefile


Repository for solving discrete optimal transport problems via Cplex, Sinkhorn, FastEMD and the GPU implementation of the Multi-Scale Sparse Sinkhorn.

This library is designed to solve a very large instance of discrete optimal transport problems.

Environment Requirements

Programming Language: CUDA C/C++ (tested on cuda/11.1)

eigen3 library headers: These can be installed via the package manager on most distributions, e.g. via package libeigen3-dev on Ubuntu.

Installation Instructions

For unified memory implementation

(1) In the CMakeLists.txt, edit the variable CUDA_INSTALL_PATH to match the CUDA installation directory. Edit the variable CPLEX_LIBRARY to match the CPLEX installation directory for building TransportNetwork.

(2) Type cmake . and make to compile.


(1)Cplex: The Cplex solver computes the unregularized OT problems.

(2)FastEMD: The details of FastEMD can be found at: https://github.com/tillhainbach/FastEMD

(3)Multi-scale OT: The CPU version of the multi-scale Sinkhorn Algorithm. The Document could be found at: https://github.com/bernhard-schmitzer/MultiScaleOT

(4)M3S: The implementation of the multi-scale sparse Sinkhorn. More details will be released later.

(5)LogDomainSK: Implemented the Sinkhorn algorithm on log domain.

(6)FastTransport: Fast Network Simplex for Optimal Transport: https://github.com/nbonneel/network_simplex

(7)3D Wasserstein Distance: code/3D Wasserstein Distance/plot3D_Wasserstein.m

(8)Color transfer between images: code/Color transfer between images/Multi_scale_Color_Transfer.ipynb


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