
sentiment is an R package with tools for sentiment analysis including bayesian classifiers for positivity/negativity and emotion classification.

Primary LanguageR

sentiment: Tools for Sentiment Analysis

Description:	sentiment is an R package with tools for sentiment analysis including bayesian classifiers for positivity/negativity and emotion classification.
Version:		0.2
Depends:		R (≥ 2.14.0), tm, Rstem
Published:		2012-01-08
Authors:		Timothy P. Jurka
Maintainer:		Timothy P. Jurka <tpjurka at ucdavis.edu>
License:		GPL-3

sentiment requires R 2.14+, which can be downloaded at http://www.r-project.org/. To build and install sentiment, run the following commands while in the root folder:

R CMD REMOVE sentiment
R CMD BUILD sentiment
R CMD INSTALL sentiment_X.X.tar.gz (where the X's should be replaced with the version number -- e.g. 0.2)

To modify the R code, go to the sentiment folder, and modify files within the R directory. After making changes, ensure the package passes R CHECK using the following command:

R CMD CHECK sentiment