
Primary LanguagePython


WARNING: This is an academic proof-of-concept prototype and has not received careful code review. This implementation is NOT ready for production use.


Set up a python virtual environment (recommended) and install the dependencies in requirements.txt.

Cost Modeling a Protocol

Screening Step

[TODO] pbd.py

Getting the Cost Model

TL;DR: run appropriate circuit in circuits file; and feed the results to cost_modeler.py.

Specific Example (ABY)

Cherry-pick this commit into your ABY directory and rebuild ABY.

[TODO] Fix cost_modeler.py to differentiate between ABY/AgMPC

Generating Circuits

For convenience, you can use the predefined circuits in circuits.

However, if you would like to generate your own circuits, use circuit.py:

python3 circuit.py [-w=width] [-g=max_gates] [spec_file] [experiment_type]"

Experiment type can be either pbd or ccd.

For CCD, if width (circuit depth) is not a feature that was deemed significant from the PBD experiment, fix call circuit.py with w=0.

To exclude features from the CCD experiment, delete the relevant gates in the spec file.

Running the Compiler

python3 run_compiler.py [input_file] [output_file]